جريدة الدستور
رئيس مجلسي التحرير والإدارة
د. محمد الباز

ننشر مصطلحات مادة «البيولوجى» لطلاب الثانوية العامة علمى علوم

امتحانات الثانوية
امتحانات الثانوية العامة

تنشر "الدستور" لمتابعيها من طلاب الثانوية العامة، أهم المصطلحات التي جاءت بمادة البيولوجي داخل الكتاب المدرسي، حيث إنه من المقرر أن يؤدي طلاب الثانوية العامة الشعبة (العلمية /علوم)، الامتحان بها غدًا السبت، بإجمالي عدد 292 ألفًا و428 طالبًا وطالبة.


مصطلحات مادة البيولوجي

Number of adult human bones = 206


 Number of bones of the axial skeleton = 80

 number of appendicular skeleton = 126

 number of vertebrae in the spine = 33

Number of cervical vertebrae = 7

number of cervical vertebrae shapes = 3

Number of thoracic vertebrae = 12

Number of lumbar vertebrae = 5

 number of sacral vertebrae = 5

Coccyx number = 4

Number of vertebrae types = 5 (groups)


Number of bones of the spine = 26

Number of articulated vertebrar = 24

Number of transverse processes in all vertebrae= 48 (number of articulated vertebrae x 2)

Number of anterior articulating processes= 48

Number of processes in the spine = 168

,Number of processes in the ideal bony vertebra = 7

Number of fused vertebrae = 9

Intermediate vertebrae number = 17 (which is dorsal or thoracic)

number of bones in the cerebral part(Back of the skull) = 8

Number of bones in the frontal part of the skull = 14


Number of skull bones = 22

Number of ribs = 24 (12 pairs)

Number of floating ribs = 4 (two pairs)

Number of ribs connected to the sternum = 20 (10 pairs)

Number of bones attached to the sternum = 22

Number of bones of the rib cage = 37

The number of total bones of the spine with the sum of the bones of the rib cage = 51

number of bones of the pectoral girdle = 4

number of pelvic girdle bones = 6

number of bones of the upper limb = 30

Number of bones in the hand = 27

The number of metacarpal bones (palm) = 5

Number of fingers on the hand = 5


Number of phalangeal bones = 14

Number of wrist bones = 8

Number of bones in the lower limb = 30

Number of bones in the foot = 26

Number of bones in the ankle (shank) of the foot = 7

Metatarsal bone = 5

Number of toes = 5

number of cavities of appendicular skeletal system = 6

Number of cavities of the pectoral girdle = 2

Number of cavities of the pelvic belt = 2

Number of cavities in the pectoral and upper limbs = 4

number of cavities in the upper limbs = 2

Number of cavities in the pelvic girdle and lower limbs = 2

Number of ligaments in the knee joint = 4

Number of cruciate ligaments in the knee joint = 2

Number of ligaments connecting the thigh to the shank= 3

The number of ligaments connecting the thigh to the fibula = 1

1- Hormones responsible for building and destroying: (insulin - thyroxine)

2- A neurohormone with a non-glandular effect: (ADH=VH)

3- A neurohormone that has an endocrine effect: (oxytocin)

4- Glandular hormone has a non-glandular effect: (GH)

5- A glandular hormone that affects the mammary glands (prolactin).

6- A neurohormone that affects the mammary glands: (oxytocin)

7- A hormone that has a direct effect on the kidneys: (ADH - Aldosterone)

8- A hormone that has an indirect effect on the kidneys: (ACTH)

9- The hormone responsible for the main earth: (thyroxine)

10- The hormone responsible for protein metabolism (GH)

11- Hormones responsible for carbohydrate metabolism (cortisone - corticosterone)

12- A hormone that has two opposite functions (catabolism and building): (insulin).

13- Hormones that affect blood sugar levels: (thyroxine - cortisone and corticosterone - insulin - glucagon - adrenaline and noradrenaline).

14- Hormones that affect the bones: (GH growth - thyroxine - calcitonin - parathramone + relaxin affects the symphysis of the pregnant woman in the last month, and therefore affects the bones of the luck as it expands)

15- A hormone used when the heart stops beating: (adrenaline and noradrenaline)

16- Hormones used during childbirth: (oxytocin - relaxin)

17- Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

18- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

19- Stomach hormone: (gastrin)

20- Small intestine hormones: (sugartin - cholecystokinin)

21- steroid hormones (fatty) ;  Ribosops have nothing to do with their construction

Adrenal cortex hormones: (cortisone, corticosterone, aldosterone)

Ovarian hormones: (estrogen - progesterone)

Testicular hormones: androgens (testosterone and androstenedione)


22- The hormone responsible for secondary manifestations in the male: (LH)

23- Follicular Hormone: (FSH)
24- The luteinizing hormone (LH)